film participants

  • Veronica

    By day a mail carrier in Brooklyn, by night a placenta enthusiast who makes pills, tinctures, and art prints out of placentas. After helping hundreds of people encapsulate their placentas, she is finally making her own.

  • Grace

    A Brooklyn mother who has stored her daughter’s placenta in the freezer and wants to bury it five years after the delivery. At the time of her birth Grace was overwhelmed and preoccupied with taking care of a newborn, but now she realizes how important it is to honor the role that this organ played in her experience of becoming a mother. She also wants the real estate in her freezer back.

  • Julienne

    A renowned biological anthropologist who studies primate and human placentas to improve maternal outcomes and address pregnancy loss.

  • Stephanie

    A New York City based doula and filmmaker. Stephanie saw her first placenta at her nephew’s birth when she was 13 years old. It was love at first sight. She has seen almost 700 placentas. After realizing how little people understood about the work that this amazing organ performs, she decided that placentas deserved their close up.